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Storytime with Petra vertelt

Usually, I explore the area here in Belgian Luxembourg. But today I’m taking you on a different journey. We’re travelling to fairyland. With Petra vertelt, I ‘translate’ classic fairy tales to an accessible and understandable (Flemish) Dutch. I really enjoy reading stories to my two sons but the language tends to be a bit difficult sometimes. That’s why I decided to  alter them. This way you and your kids can practice the language while listening to a story. Sounds relaxing, right?

Petra vertelt originates from my need to do something in (Flemish) Dutch. Many people I’ve met feel the need to improve their Dutch, but don’t know how and don’t have the time to take lessons. And also: my own two kids need to stay in touch with their mother tongue since they’re often speaking French nowadays. I’ve also always loved recording and creating new things. Language coach Sietske gave me the last nudge in April by pulling me into her project. Since then I shared ‘Stories on Froday’ on her channel Rebels Nederlands. I liked it so much that, I decided to launch my own channel.

Sneeuwwitje en Rozerood

where to listen?

Petra vertelt is hosted on most well-known podcast channels such as Google podcasts, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Would you like to listen on another app? Check all available directories on

About Petra vertelt

Listen and read the stories on the page Petra vertelt. I regularly post new stories in clear and understandable (Flemish) Dutch.

This summer I’m planning a tour around the world with stories from different countries and origins Would you like to request a special story?  Please let me know at

Petra vertelt - kikker

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